100% of residents recycle in Placer County! How? We sort your trash for you!

WPWMA's Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)

When your trash, recycling, and green waste is picked up in western Placer County, it’s taken to our Materials Recycling Facility (MRF). In addition to the MRF, the WPWMA’s campus also has facilities for composting, construction and demolition materials recycling, a drop-off for hazardous household waste, and recycling drop-off.


Learn more about how the facility works to sort and divert trash and organics from our landfill, recycles and creates compost, operates a recycling buy-back facility, and is a place to safely dispose of household hazardous waste by visiting our MRF page. You may also tour our facility virtually below.


Most of the waste generated in western Placer County is sorted at the MRF to divert as many recyclable materials as possible. This helps keep our community a beautiful and sustainable place to live — now and for future generations. 

You toss it in, and we sort it out. Learn how by watching this video.