You Toss, We Sort - Recycling our community's organic waste

What is SB 1383?

The California Legislature passed SB 1383 in 2016, a sweeping call to reduce organic waste going to landfills. Why? The research concluded that organic waste decomposes in landfills and creates methane gas, a climate change accelerant. Organics include everyday items like food scraps, leaves and lawn clippings and soiled paper products. 

This methane reduction law requires California jurisdictions to achieve 50% diversion of organics from landfills by 2022 and 75% diversion by 2025. 

Although the law’s goals may sound challenging, the WPWMA is well-positioned to meet the mandate thanks to a history of forward-thinking projects.

The WPWMA has been composting green waste since the mid-nineties and composting food waste from local restaurants for several years. The WPWMA is nearly finished with a new state-of-the-art Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) that implements innovative technologies to not only significantly increase the amount of recyclables recovered, but also recover more than 75% of the organic waste that’s thrown away in our community’s garbage cans – no additional sorting needed!

Increasing Organic Waste Recovery Without Changes to Collection Methods

Once the MRF renovation is complete in early 2025, the WPWMA will significantly increase the amount of organics it recycles – including food waste. One complete in 2025, the WPWMA’s new state-of-the-art Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) will be considered a High Diversion Organic Waste Processing Facility (HDOWPF) that will sort more than 75% of the organic waste thrown away in garbage bins across Placer County and divert them from landfill disposal. This will allow Placer County communities to continue using their regular mixed-waste collection systems – “You Toss, We Sort,” isn’t just for recyclables but organic waste too!

How Individual Jurisdictions Collect Organic Waste

The WPWMA’s facility upgrades do not necessitate changes to existing residential collection programs, and at this time all western Placer County jurisdictions are not imposing new collection requirements.  Please visit your jurisdiction’s website or contact them to learn more about their collection programs.

What can you do to support organic waste diversion?

It’s up to all of us to be responsible for the organic waste we generate. Reduce food over-purchasing and reuse or freeze when possible, practice home composting, and donate non-expired food to a food bank.

Supporting our community with facility improvements

The WPWMA’s facility improvements are in conjunction with the WPWMA’s approved Renewable Placer Waste Action Plan to meet the future needs of residents and businesses, comply with a changing regulatory environment, support planned regional growth, increase material diversion from the landfill, and create opportunities for innovation. To learn more, visit

Composting questions?

Due to the WPWMA’s innovative Materials Recovery Facility, residents will not have to compost their organic waste themselves. However, if you’re interested in learning to compost yourself, please utilize the resources below.

Call the ROTLINE: 530-889-7399, or visit the website: UC Master Gardener Program of Placer County.

Aerated Static Pile (ASP) Compost at the Western Placer Waste Management Authority (WPWMA)